14: Season 2 Trailer


In This Episode:

Welcome back for Season 2: What We Wish We Knew Before Becoming Parents.

Have you ever felt like all the parenting messages around you are stressful and overwhelming? At this podcast we believe you deserve to feel like a good parent every day. In this season, we're going to explore how different parents answer the question "what we wish we knew before becoming parents.”

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  • 0:00

    Hello friends and welcome to Good Mornings. I'm your host, Jessica Bryant. This is Episode 14, the first episode of Season Two.


    In the midst of conflicting messages and societal pressures, my goal is to offer a unique perspective to you. Rather than glorifying busyness and devaluing rest, we should question whether society's priorities are skewed. What if we placed a higher emphasis on sleep within our families? Could it have the power to change the world? Of course, I'm not suggesting that you abandon yourself in all other aspects of your life in favor of your child's napping and bedtime routines. Nor should you sacrifice relationships, travel or fun to ensure your child is always rested. However, I am suggesting that resolving sleep issues can instill greater confidence and freedom in your family and allow you to better appreciate life's joys. All thanks to waking up well rested each morning. I am Jessica Bryant an internationally recognized pediatric sleep strategist, motivational speaker, wife and mother of three, including twins. Like you, I understand the pressures parents feel today. And as an expert on sleep, I'm here to help you choose good mornings.


    Have you ever felt like all the parenting messages around you are stressful and overwhelming? Well, here on the GOOD MORNINGS podcast, we believe you deserve to feel like a good parent every day. Without feeling alone in your journey or like you will never measure up.


    This season, we're going to explore how different parents answer the question "what we wish we knew before becoming parents". And as you know, I like to talk a little bit too much. So in these conversations, we might see where they go. They might not always fall into this category. But I love having an overarching theme to keep me focused.


    You might be wondering, why this question. Personally, when I hear a parent's answer to this question. I'm invested, I feel more connected. I feel less alone in the parenting journey. And I feel more encouraged overall. Like you I had a desire to feel like a good parent. I want to know that I'm taking the right measures to equip my three children with the tools they need to thrive in the world. But I had a hard time finding a place that didn't keep me distracted with societal pressures and judgments. After working with parents for seven years on helping them solve their child's sleepless nights, I learned I wasn't alone. Many parents told me they craved a space that helped them focus on their parenting goals. Even if they were a little bit different than someone else's, and reminded them that they were a good parent already.


    The goal for sharing Good Mornings with you is for you to have that same feeling. We hope this podcast is a place to come that helps you quiet society's confusing messages, pressures and judgments that might take up space in your head. I'm excited about this season, and I wanted to take the time to share with you what it will look like.


    Each episode will have an introduction where I'll tell you about the episode. Then you'll hear the theme music and after that the conversation gets started. That's right. We're going to have conversations this season. Some episodes will be so low, just me and other episodes, we'll have guests and I'm super excited. It'll feel a little bit different. But we'll be talking about many different topics like parenting, life, work, relationships, and community. I want to share ideas and offer solutions that give you ideas so that you can be the parent of your dreams. Because I don't know about you, but I'm always learning from others.


    There will be a short wrap up at the end of every episode, where I highlight a few takeaways from the conversation. I'm trying really hard to keep those episodes short because I want to use your time wisely. But fair warning if you know me you'll know how much I love conversations. I can tell from the episodes we've recorded already, that I'm going to have to split the conversations into two episodes, and they might sneak past the 30 minute limit. As I learn to be a better host with conversations, I hope you'll stick around.


    I wanted to tell you a few of the topics that I've been throwing around based on what we've heard from you, our listeners. Here's what I have so far for the season that revolve around things we wish we knew before the parenting journey began. Sleep deprivation versus emotional tiredness. Friends who don't align with our parenting style. Siblings and room sharing. Your first parenting moment. Sex and relationships. Grief and loss. Mental health challenges. And the pressures of being someone's role model all the time.


    So if you're ready to listen, the process is simple. Click the three dots on the right of this episode's graphics to subscribe or follow the show. Listen to the episode, click the link in the show notes to get connected and for the resources that you heard on the show. So listen to the GOOD MORNINGS podcast each week so that you can stop those thoughts in your head that make you feel alone and inadequate in your parenting journey. And start feeling like the parent you dreamed of being because you are. You are enough. You are the right parent for your child. I'm super excited about this season. And I want this podcast to be what you've been looking for. I'm still on a high from our conversations we've had this week. It was so much fun to be with these moms and know the season is going to develop its own path. And I want this podcast to serve you in the best way possible. Remember, we believe you deserve to feel like a good parent every day, without feeling alone in your journey, or like you will never measure up. So let's choose to have good mornings, which go together to make a great life.


    I loved hanging out with you today. And I'm so grateful you were here. I hope you left feeling comforted by the messages you heard. I hope they helped you quiet the societal pressures that are in your mind and focus on what really matters to you and your parenting journey. I also hope you've heard messages that made you feel like the good parents you already are. If you enjoy the show and you would like more information about me and Sleep Happy Consulting, the process is simple. First, visit my website at www.sleephappyconsulting.com or click the link in today's show notes. Second, sign up for our weekly Sleep Happy email. And third, stay connected with Sleep Happy and the Good Morning podcast. Thank you for listening and being a part of this space where we value arrest and solving sleepless nights so that it's easy for you to choose to have good mornings. I'm Jessica Bryant and this is the Good Mornings podcast.

    Jessica Bryant has been called the best speaker on baby sleep, transitioning to parenting, and balancing work and family. She is a woman who loves speaking to corporate audiences, postpartum support groups, and church communities about how to parent the way you dreamed of. She is a sleep strategist and host of the Good Mornings Podcast.

    The Good Mornings Podcast is the best parenting podcast for moms and dads. The transcript for this episode is created by Otter.AI, so please excuse any typos, misspellings and grammar mistakes.


15: Toddler Mornings with Carly Huffman, Part 1


13: Dear Expectant Parents: A love letter from a Sleep Strategist